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Plans for green MOTs for UK's buildings

"• Proposal to cover commercial and public buildings • Successful trial could see plans extended to UK homes"

Category: Climate Change


Industry leaders denying climate change, says UK science minister

"Lord Drayson says there is an urgent need to restate the scientific evidence for global warming and calls for companies to focus on their environmental obligations"

Category: Climate Change


Space rock makes close approach

"An asteroid which may be as big as a 10-storey building has passed close by the Earth, astronomers say."

Category: Space


How Esa keeps tabs on orbiting garbage

"After last month's collision between two satellites, the European Space Agency reveals the measures it is taking to track the swarm of disused spacecraft and debris in orbit and prevent future accidents"

Category: Space


Mars had 'recent' running water

"Mars appears to have had running water on its surface about one million years ago, according to new evidence."

Category: Space

Displaying results 1411 to 1415 out of 2977